: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Citizens. Romania

PROJECT NAME: The meeting between generations into European oral history. After 70 years from the end of the Second World War

PRESENTATION OF THE ASSOCIATION: SUCEAVA COUNTY COUNCIL is the authority of local public administration for the coordination of commune, cities and municipalities of the County of Suceava, in order to realise the public interest services. He has a broad experience in the implementing European funded projects in various fields: culture, education, tourism, social, health and transport infrastructure, e-Government and e-public services, environment and interventions in crisis periods.

The project manager on behalf of SUCEAVA COUNTY COUNCIL has successfully coordinated another pan-European project financed through the programme Europe for Citizens 2007-2013, which has been selected as example of best practice and included in the Programme presentation brochure.

DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: SUCEAVA COUNTY COUNCIL intends to propose a project within the framework of the European programme “Europe for Citizens”, strand, “Remembrance”, in order to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War.

In doing so, they want to organize, in partnership with other institutions and organisations from different European countries a series of activities to a wide and specialized public.

OBJECTIVES:  to get through at least five young people between 18 and 26 years of each of the participating countries, collecting the memories of participants, veterans and witnesses, in the Second World War, to facilitate communication between generations and between European citizens and raise the awareness of young Europeans about the past of Europe history.

Furthermore, the participants will document with photographs the monuments dedicated to the victims of the Second World War in their region.

At the end of the project, they will obtain a European collection of oral history and an inventory of the monuments dedicated to that war. In completing the information collected, the Suceava History Museum will organize a photographic exhibition, and the University Stefan cel Mare Suceava an international  specialized conference.

PARTNER SEARCHED: local or regional administrations, universities, museums, associations of veterans, NGOs,…

FIELD OF ACTIVITY: Programme Europe for Citizens.





Internacional Partnerships Señor Officer

Direction Project Management

Suceava County Council

36, Stefan cel Mare, Suceava

Tel +40230/212873

+40230/210148, int. 146. e-mail: viviana.vasiliniuc@cjsuceava.ro





Publicado por europa en octubre 22, 2014