: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Citizenship. Cyprus

Title:  European Digital Citizenship

Project description:

The project aims to support young people to participate safely, critically and responsibly in a world filled with social media and digital technologies.

Partner sought:

6 more partners. Two are the main target groups: -

  • the direct target group is YOUNG PEOPLE with a specific focus on young people with fewer opportunities (including NEETs, young people at risk of marginalization and young people with a migrant background, including newly arrived immigrants and young refugees, early school leavers etc.) who will be given the opportunity to acquire targeted digital competences, as well as digital citizenship skills to participate safely, effectively, critically and responsibly in a world filled with social media and digital technologies .
  • The indirect target group is youth workers whose profiles will be upgraded and strengthened through the professional development programme to be developed to acquire the essential skills to support, protect and educate young people in the digital world.
  • Other target groups can be the community, authorities and policy-makers as through the project a specific strategy will be developed for promoting the Digital Agenda for Europe as well as the Recommendations of the European Commission with regards to the Paris Declaration




Athos Charalambides





Publicado por europa en julio 3, 2018