Title: Twinning with Criteuil la Magdeleine
Description of the Project:
The town of Criteuil la Magdeleine (France) is looking for a spanish/portuguese town in order to twin. Critueil la Magdeleine has 430 inhabitants, vineyards, cottages, farms, parking, a museum and a restaurant. During 9 years they have been twinned with Heacham (England).
Partner Sought: The towns twinning New Aquitania’s Association supports the search of a spanish/portuguese town in order to twin with the town of Criteuil la Magdeleine. They have a special preference for the Porto’s area, due to their vineyard activity and the flight connection which would help with the exchanges.
ACJNA - Association des Communes Jumelées de Nouvelle-Aquitaine
13, rue Joseph Cazautets
87170 ISLE
Telephone: +33 (0)9 83 27 47 22
Mobile phone: +33 (0)7 69 38 01 82
E-mail: contact@jumelages-nouvelle-aquitaine.eu
Web: www.jumelages-nouvelle-aquitaine.eu
Publicado por europa en marzo 1, 2019