: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Citizenship & Youth. Czech Republic.

Title: “Health is wealth”

Description of the project:

Rodice Smysluplne skoly o.s., an association fromCzech Republic, wants to develop a project based in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, including healthy eating habits and the practice of sport daily.

The main reason why they have proposed to carry out this project is because in their daily lives as leisure time educators we observe how young people eat fast food and generally junk food.

It is because of this expressed need that they want to develop a project based in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, including healthy eating habits, the practice of sport daily and the importance of resting and sleeping. Also, they would like to warn about the dangers of consuming alcohol and to smoke in early ages. They believe it is extremely important for young people to know the benefits about healthy life-style. The project has the aim to show that keeping a healthy life-style is a way of learning to take care about themselves.

Because of this expressed needs our project has as objectives:

  • to promote healthy lifestyle through healthy eating habits, importance of daily practicing of exercise and the importance of resting and sleeping.
  • to warn about the dangers of consuming alcohol and to smoke in early ages.
  • to show that keeping a healthy life-style is a way of learning to take care about themselves.

Target group: In this project, the group will be formed by 20 participants, 5 by each country, and participants must be youngsters between 13 and 16 years old.

Methodology: The methodologies we will use to provide knowledge, skills and competencies to participants are going to be based in non-formal education methods, as well as reflective and experiential learning.

Practicalities: The project will take place in Prague (Czech Republic) and most of the activities will be held in the school Smysluplná škola till the 30th September 2016. The participants will be accommodated in a youth hostel near the venue where the main activities will take place and also well located to the city center and the most touristic interests of the city. 
Before the starting of the project, the participants must be already active involved in it and we will ask them some activities to do before.

Partner sought: 3 more partners from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries, Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU.

Deadline: April 10th, 2016.


Carla Maside Puyol

Dirección: Klosterport 4, 8000 Aarhus C, Dinamarca

Teléfono: +45 86 18 07 15

E-mail: schoolclubevs@gmail.com

Publicado por europa en marzo 8, 2016