Title: "Book Analysis-Europe Now It's time for reading!" Description of the project: Uluslararası Gençlik Derneği (International Youth Association) is an association that specializes in certain points: carry out studies on the international relations, social, cultural, education, entrepreneurship, health, economics, history, sociology, computer science, photography, politics and sport fields; ensure the development of civil society activities and working together with the people and organizations who are working on this issue also contribute to the development of youth policies; defend and develop the youth's constitutional democratic rights; provide assistance and solidarity among youth... The main frame of the KA1 project titled ''Book Analysis - European'' which is going to be actualized between the dates 05/09/2016 and 11/09/2016 in Eskişehir / TURKEY by Uluslararası Gençlik Derneği covered by Turkish National Agency . The main goals of the project are listed below ; - To organize encouraging activities for reading books. Such as; reading sessions, reading campaigns and briefings. - An atmosphere will be created to discuss all positive and negative effects of reading books. - To create a website which can be accessable all around the world , like a project house and all the announcements including the promotion of the project will be managed on this page. - On this webpage, We aim to create a library environment with 1000 book analysis in format of 2-3 minute video clips which made by participants of the project. - To increase the rate of reading and to ingratiate of reading on worldwide with the recommemded books from our webpage.
Partner sought: 6 more partners from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Spain, Albania. Project will be actualized with 40 participants, 5 from each country. Participants should be between the age of 18-25. Deadline: 16/01/2016