Title: Arts in teaching: Cultural partnerships and exchange between artists and teachers
Description of the Project: This project offers cultural partnerships and exchange between artist and teachers within the EU. It aims to create a platform for cooperation, development and inspiration between teachers and artist from 4 countries in the EU, discuss art education and to provide new knowledge through two different workshops. In practice the project launches 8 workshops over a period of 2 years covering two major themes. Theme 1: Guided tour, presentations and discussions based on the art field and the education culture within the host country. Theme 2: Development of artistic teaching-designs.
Partner Sought: Organizations with an interest in and connections to the area of art-education (schools with an artistic profile and schoolteachers who are interested in participating in the workshops)
Deadline: 01/10/2019
Dansk Kunstnerråd
Hillerødgade 30a, 1.sal
2200 Copenhagen N
Head of Secretariat
Mette Wehmüller
Telefon: 45 21 34 00 00
E-mail: dkr@dansk
Publicado por europa en septiembre 11, 2019