: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Culture. Italy.

Title: “BLITZ – Theatrical training and research project”

Description of the project/Partner sought: BLITZ – Theatrical training and research project – has been conceived and created for very young and “unaware” actors (with a formal age limit of 25 years). The term “unaware” refers both to an approach to “theatre” where theatre would conventionally be out of reach, and to an ingenuity and purity in the approach, devoid of career prejudices.

The main aim of the work is the involvement of the young trainees into artistic practice, into its motivations, its vivid relations with reality, contingency and desire.

Working together, brainstorm solutions is a metaphorical practice: active participation on part of the trainees with respect to their cultural and training process. An experience with many contributing streams: development of critical sense, formulation of expressive abilities, stimulus to perceive cultural sites, or any site, as resources.

Several public and private spaces have hosted, in Palermo, intensive sessions since March 2014, and continue to do so till today (Goethe Institut, Nuovo Teatro Montevergini, and some of the warehouses at Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, among others); other sessions have also begun to be autonomously organized by the guys who had already attended an early formation phase, without disrupting their training. To date, about 30 trainees have crossed path with BLITZ.

Advertising of the project has included open calls, and actual door-to-door blitzes, meaning that meeting locations were sought, apt to spread effective communication and to address actual needs. The group is open, in that it may be joined at any time, although it aims to stimulate the development of autonomous conduct and professional awareness and ambition. Selections will be conducted by sharing perspective vision.

The project is permeated in all its phases by an open and experimental group of communication and storytelling, in on-going formation, composed by graphic designers, photographers, videomakers, and cultural workers.

→ An outline of the Project is available of the following link:


Contact:  carrefoursic@hotmail.com

Publicado por europa en octubre 6, 2016