: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Culture. Italy.



Title of the project: “New challenges for public libraries"

Description of the project: The organization "Consorzio Sistema Bibliotecario Nord - Ovest (CSBNO)" located in Paderno Dugnano (Province of Milan, Lombardy Region - Italy) is looking for partners in EU member States in order to participate to the next Call of Creative Europe (Culture Subprogram) - Support for European cooperation project (EACEA 29/2015) with deadline 7th October 2015.

General objective of the Project is to set up transnational models to develop and test innovative, sustainable and effective  solutions for public libraries, facing the information society challenges, for a better participation of all social groups, actors and users in the design and delivery of the services, starting from the local community needs and in partnership with cultural and creative industries.         

Specific objectives of the project are:

1. To compare the best practices in partner countries and other countries within and outside Europe, with particular reference to the issues of innovation and social inclusion;
2. Experiment and create innovative products and solutions (design thinking methodologies) to the transnational level to promote library services more efficient, sustainable and responsive to social demands and the new challenges of the knowledge society;
3. Develop models and test pilot at the transnational level to improve the participation of different groups of users to an encounter (matching) between cultural and creative enterprises, incubators, library services and local communities;
4. Create a transnational network between libraries and cultural and creative enterprises to capitalize on the best practices.

Partner sought: The partner search is addressed to Public libraries; Universities and research centres (also in the service design field); regional and local authorities; development agencies.

Deadline: 28/09/2015


Consorzio Sistema Bibliotecario Nord - Ovest (CSBNO)
c/o Villa Gargantini
20037 Paderno (MI) Via Valassina , 1

Director of the consortium
Gianni Stefanini

Project leader
Simona Villa
e-mail: simonavilla@studio2di2.com

website: www.csbno.net

Publicado por europa en septiembre 22, 2015