: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Culture. Malta


PRESENTATION OF THE ASSOCIATION: Mnarja Folk Dancing group from Nadur, Gozo, (island dependency of the Republic of Malta) are looking for folk dancing partners in other European countries willing to participate in a European-funded project to exchange and share our rich and diverse culture in folk dancing and in so doing assisting to propagate the said culture among young people.

DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: The project will consist of various events, including one in each partner country that will be the showcase of the dances. The aim is to use student events at school to showcase local and European dances.


To reconnect with our roots, understand our culture and in so doing, preserve and retain our identity

• To liaise with and teach other European partners about traditional folklore dance, so ensuring its propagation and longevity

• To instill within the youth the willingness to continue and pass on our knowledge of folk dancing for generations to come, to promote traditional dancing in secondary schools to

• Instill in the younger generation a willingness to join folk groups and keep traditions alive

• To possibly create enough awareness that traditional dancing may also be considered as an extra-curricular activity at secondary school level

PARTNER SEARCHED: In Malta, we already have the Isla Local Council (municipality) and the Mnarja Folk Dancing group that are willing to be committed to this project. We are now looking for Traditional Folk Dancing Groups to join the project.

The idea is for each partner to exchange and learn each other’s traditional dances. Moreover, each partner would be responsible to seek out and engage a school to participate in the project and so disseminate to the younger generation their knowledge of traditional dancing.

FIELD OF ACTIVITY: Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership. Target Audience: Students of ages 11 and 12

DEADLINE FOR DE PARTNER SEARCH: We accept communications of interest up to Friday 9th January 2015.



Marlene Muscat (Mnarja Folk Group) on muscat.mar@gmail.com

Arthur Perici (Isla LC) on artperici72@gmail.com  

Face book: Mnarja folk group




Publicado por europa en enero 2, 2015