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Culture. Poland

Title:  European Union City Lights

Description of the Project:

This project assumes capturing 28 UE capitals. “Not - on so typical photos” – outstanding night photos from drones.

Products of “European Union City Lights” project will be a few:

1. Capitals popularization among many by creating internet gallery and voting in which citizens of UE will vote on the best photos 100 photos are expected to be collected.

2. Above voting will emerge 28 the best photos (1 photo from each country). The final step will be photography exhibition “European Union City Lights” where all photos will be presented. During exhibition there will be also a special film projection showing behind the scenes from project realization.

3. From created photo collection, special photo albums showing photos from each capital and information about each capital will be prepared and printed.

4. Project also assumes printing of calendars with photos that will receive the biggest numbers in voting.

5. During exhibition there will be auction of chosen photos (large print dimensions). Money collected in this way will be given on chosen charity foundation.

6. All photos will be digitalized and recorded in big resolution on DVD sets and given (1 set – 1 country) to culture and education ministry in each UE country with law of further multiplication and use in culture and education purposes. For example by giving schools, universities and educational departments possibility to projection and use in education process. Also such institutions as Houses of Culture will be able to use whole photo collection in theirs exhibitions.

7. There will be also web service available for everyone – where all photos will be presented with option to purchase chosen prints (photobook / calendar / big dimensions prints). Also on the page will be provided journal of whole project with information, data and so on.

Projects time frame assume around 21 months.

Stage 1: Preparing (3 months): collecting all necessary contacts and permits for drone flights, web page creation, obtaining sponsors and patrons, trip planning, collecting all necessary equipment.

Stage 2: Realization (8 months): trip and collecting all photos.

Stage 3: Post Production (6 months): post production process of each photo.

Stage 4: Voting (1 month): creating voting for UE citizens on Facebook and webpage.

Stage 5: Preparation (2 months): preparing to print and creating printings (calendars, photo albums, big dimensions photos for exhibition, invitations).

Stage 6: Exhibition (1 week)

Stage 7: Education and Culture (1 month): recording high quality resolution photos on DVD sets, preparing DVD sets, preparing law licenses for further multiplication, sending DVD sets to all of 28 UE countries ministries of culture and education.

Project except financial support requires coordination support connected with permissions for drone flights in 28 countries – in some countries you can fly without problems, in other you need additional requirements.

Additional support also will be necessary during exhibition organization (place, catering…).

Partner Sought: Any partner related with the photography field, from any country.

Deadline: 27/11/2019


 2/21 Walewska St. Warszawa, Poland

Site: www.nafnaf.pl

Olaf Sawajner

Email: olaf.sawajner@nafnaf.pl

Phone: +48694869935

Publicado por europa en octubre 25, 2019