: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Education. France.


ACTIVART - non formal education through art practices. Erasmus+ programme.

Project description:

Education by art is today well accepted in most of the European Union countries as a tool to develop creativity and to shape pupils’ general knowledge. The purpose of this project is to go further in the use of art as a tool for non formal education and personal emancipation, as a substitute to traditional educational methods, and finally but not least, as a powerful tool for achieving a peaceful and healthy society.

Partner sought: NGO based in EU working at grassroots level with young people, working in the field of non-formal education with a previous experience of art workshops. Priority will be given to the use of visual arts with an experience of working with disadvantaged and vulnerable people.

Deadline: 19-04-2015



E-mail: activart.hds@gmail.com

General contact

Phone: +33762731604

Publicado por europa en marzo 25, 2015