: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Education. Italy.

"E-leadership: digital leadership for competitiveness and innovation". Erasmus+ KA2 - strategic partnership.

Project description:

The High School of Business, of Tourism, of Services and Professions of Milan (Lombardy Region) looks for partners in Europe for the project "E-leadership: digital leadership for competitiveness and innovation" in order to participate in the call for proposal Erasmus+ KA2 - strategic partnership. The project will last about 24 months (2 years). 

Objectives of the Project:
In its most complete expression, the E-leader is a manager, an executive, or even the entrepreneur in a small or medium enterprise.
The "construction" of the professionalism is a long journey, complex and the success not guaranteed.

The project will act along three lines:
1) Collaborate improvements definitions and parameters of digital leadership skills;
2) create new sizes and partnership for teaching and acquisition of skills of digital leadership;
3) create awareness of skills of leadership for digital innovation, competitiveness and employability.

1) Analysis of good practice in partners Countries;
2) construction of a repertory of shared skills of digital leadership
3) development of a model for the acquisition of skills of digital leadership that take into consideration the various areas of acquisition of skills;
4) arrangement of a path of recognition of digital leadership's skills acquired both in formal contexts and in informal context;
5) experimentation in various members countries of a path of training and certification of a path of digital leadership's skills;
6) fine tuning of models (training and certification).

Partner sought: Bodies of adult education, Universities, School of training management. 


Deadline for the partner search is the 18th march 2015. 

Deadline for the presentation of the projects to the European Commission is the 31th March 2015 



Scuola Superiore del Commercio del Turismo dei Servizi e delle Professioni 
Daniela Sala 
Viale Murillo 17 - Milano 
tel. 02/40305252 
Seveso (MB), Corso Marconi, 35 - Seveso (MB) 
tel. 0362/650945 
e-mail: daniela.sala@scuolasuperiorects.it


Publicado por europa en marzo 11, 2015