: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Culture, Italy


Project title: not decided yet.

Description: Comune di Gela (Italian municipality) is looking for partners to develop a project under Europe for Citizens - Network of Towns.

Objectiv:The Topic of the project is the Liberation of Europe from Nazism and Fascism. We would also like to conect the facts of that liberation to the liberation that, nowadays, people coming from Africa and Asia are looking for in Europe.

As you know, Sicily is the gateway of the southern Europe and everyday we see different landing of immigrants who risk their lives to seek freedom in Europe.

Type of activites:

  • Conferences & Debates (at least 4 events)
  • Audivisuals
  • Route of memory
  • Etc.

Partners searched: cities/municipalities, twinning committees, non-profit organizations representing

their local authority

Number of partners: 3


Comune di Gela

Natale Curatole




Publicado por europa en mayo 26, 2014