Title: Equal Opportunities and Sustainable Education in Refugee and Immigrant Students’ Education
Description of the Project: Erenköy Girls Anatolian High School developed the Project. This initiative intend to help them adapt the new culture in immigrated country to provide a successful life and education in this new geography. This project aims the integration of theimmigrants to the new immigrated country and aimsto provide more equalitarian and more successful education especially for the school age children of the immigrant families.
Before the mobility activity, the teachers will attend the informative seminars about Erasmus + projects, school counselors will determine the number of immigrant and refugee students in each class and counseling service will interview with the parents of these determined students.
To improve the language proficiency and communication skills, the teachers will attend inservice training courses and the other teachers in the school will be informed with the related presentations. After these training processes, some activities will be organized to improve the classroom interaction between students;social activities, drama, painting courses, cultural and sportive activities will be also organized in school general.
Partner Sought: They are looking for 3 more partners
Deadline: 17/03/2019
Contact: Saadet Berna OCAKCIOĞLU
E-mail: berna.ocakcioglu@gmail.com
Phone: 5054961961
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/erenkoykizanadolu/
Website: https://youtu.be/cckbHwhoUZ0
Publicado por europa en febrero 6, 2019