: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Employment. Italy


Description of the Project: Umbria Risorse (HUB) is the leader of the project “School & Job”, which wants to encourage the creation of networks between work, business, education, and training, based on the acquisition of knowledge and skills

The proposed project consists of the study and development of an integrated solution that can:

- give smart, sustainable and inclusive answers to the school orientation (formal education and learning), training (formal, non-formal and informal learning from the perspective of LifeLong) Learning) and work (first job and / or reintegration to work)

- help the meeting between job demand and supply through the use of new technologies. All in line with the new knowledge processes implemented by the fourth industrial revolution and the smart factory road map

- enhancing and encouraging entrepreneurship and employability

- making access to the market of the company quick and easy work.

 This solution represents an absolute novelty both in the Italian and in the international scenario and, to date, there are no competitors that provide solutions of the same type and / or companies able to provide similar products.

With these objectives the project will be developed with the following logic and will be divided into two sections: the SCHOOL section and the JOB section.

They will interact with each other to allow a real interaction between the SCHOOL world and the JOB world in order to realize new processes and paths of knowledge, acquisition of the skills necessary for the development of an intelligent, sustainable and inclusive economy that reaches the full employability. The project will take place from 2019 till 2021.

Partner Sought: They are looking for 3 more partners.

Deadline: 08/02/2019

Contact: Contact person: Umbria 316180

E-mail: marcellobigerna@gmail.com

Phone: +39 0744 611326

Publicado por europa en noviembre 26, 2018