: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Employment. Spain.

Title: Reactivate - Intra-EU job mobility scheme for unemployed over 35

Description of the project:

The Agency for Local development and employment (ADLE) of Cartagena City Council is interested in participating as a co-applicant partner in the call of Preparatory Actions “REACTIVATE”- Intra-EU job mobility scheme for unemloyed 35+, for the placement of the citizens of the EU of more than 35 years in jobs or internships or training in another EU country.

Partner sought: Services of public or private employment, or organization

specialized in job placement of other European countries who want to present, as a

leader, a project to this European call and who may be interested in the

participation of our ADLE organization as a co-applicant partner.

About the Agency for Local development and employment:

Cartagena is a city located on the coast of the Region of Murcia, in southeastern Spain,

with a population of 216,027 inhabitants.

ADLE is a public autonomous body of Cartagena city council, with competence in local development projects, training and employment. Its technical team has extensive experience in the design, development and implementation of employability pathways

and creation and consolidation of companies, and attention to groups with special difficulties in accessing the labor market, having a public placement agency that allows perform actions of labor intermediation between employers and unemployed workers.

ADLE has extensive experience in the development, management and justification of

European projects in the field of guidance and job placement, training and promotion of entrepreneurship, especially with groups with difficulties in accessing the labor market.

In addition, we have managed different mobility programs Leonardo Da Vinci for the target group PLM and for the IVT group, in calls between 2004 and 2013, as well as

Erasmus + in 2014 and 2015, and we are currently managing the mobilities of the 2015 call, and we have presented proposal to the 2016 call.

ADLE as an autonomous body is accredited by the validation services of the European

Commission (European Commission Authentication Service ECAS) with registration

number PIC 931147815 in the "Portal Participant" for purposes of participation in European research projects and innovation, education, audiovisual, culture and programs for citizens and volunteer. In that portal you can find the updated data of the organization and their legal representative’s data.


Pedro Martos Miralles


City Council of Cartagena

Telephone: 968128977


Publicado por europa en mayo 30, 2016