Title: “Fagaras Mountains Association”
Description of the project/Partner sought: Fagaras Mountains Association is a non-governmental organization that aims to promote conservation and sustainable development of the natural resources in order to enrich our environment and quality of life. The association elaborated the Management Plan of the second largest Nature 2000 site inRomania- the Souther Carpathians- Fagaras.
The association is interested in developing biodiversity projects with partners inEurope, for knowledge sharing, exchange good practice and develop sustainable strategies.
Asociația Munții Făgăraș
Str. Octavian Goga nr 1687, loc Rășinari, cod 557200, jud.Sibiu
Tel: 0372 71 30 71
Fax: 0372 89 87 77
E-mail: asociatiamuntiifagaras@gmail.com
Publicado por europa en febrero 7, 2017