: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Erasmus+. Belgium.

Title: “Cognition & Inclusión”

Description of the project: An inclusive society adapts the environment physically and mentally to the disabled person, taking into account the 'disabilities'. Although this is a necessary condition, it is not a sufficient one. Also, the disabled person needs to (learn to) adapt to society, as this is an ever changing environment. This second condition addresses the 'abilities' and is necessary to promote learning potential, problem solving, self regulation... These 'cognitive' skills are the basis for being able to be the director of one's own live, to be independent, to be a full citizen who exercisez his rights,,... (Cognitive) methodologies within learning disabled (young) adults - although effective - are not well known, or are dealing with resistances based on beliefs that learning disabled people can't develop these skills (as an element of the 'mind set' of the one who supports the disabled person). This project wants to share practices and produce a compendium with cognitive approaches (goal 1), and wants to develop a tool to assess the 'mind set' of professionals to be used in all kind of HRM-applications (selection, training, evaluation...).

Partner sought:

  • Organizations supporting learning disabled adults implementing (cognitive) methodologies to promote problem solving, taking initiative, learning potential, independent living
  • VET - High School - University to develop tools to assess mind set.


Warnez, Johan

Vzw den achtkanter


+32 (0)473 87 17 98

Publicado por europa en octubre 11, 2016