: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Erasmus+. Germany

Title: Causes of fleeing

Description of the Project:

A german association wants to organize a multi-day training, scheduled in Berlin in autumn of 2019 to bring together those perspectives and educational methods. The expectation to the partner organisations is to be part of this training course and to prepare the content, the pedagogical methods and to present it to the whole group.

Further intention is that they want to get in touch with possible partners for another up coming project in 2020. It will focus as well on causes of flights but on a global level. This project will take 2 years, begins in autumn 2020 and in this time frame they want to write brochures, blogs or other stuff of public material in different languages

Partner Sought: A german organization is looking for partner organisations to carry out a training course (KA1, Erasmus plus program) on the topic causes of fleeing in Berlin in autumn 2019.

Currently they are looking for partner organisations that work primarily or secondarily on different aspects of the topic migration and also focussing on causes of fleeing. For example environmental organizations that deal primarily with climate change, but also analyse the impact of climate change on migration movements in their conclusions. They want to bring together the different perspectives on several causes of flight. Those causes should embrace the fields security policy, post-colonialism, development policy, ecology/climate justice, humanitarianism and economics. It would be good if the organisation worked with non-formal educational approaches, but it is not a mandatory condition.

The idea is not just to include different perspectives on the topic migration, but also perspectives from different regions of Europe and beyond.

For the participation in the project it is necessary to have good English skills to follow the discussions and to enable an active participation in the training lessons.

Deadline: 30/04/2019

Contact: Jens Herrmann

E-mail: solar@kubiz-wallenberg.de

Phone: 0049 (0)30 96 201 345

Publicado por europa en abril 12, 2019