: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Erasmus+. Italy

Title: Sabir on Board

Description of the Project:

Associazione Centro Koros (Italy) will held this project in Sicily during 5 days in September 2019 on a sailing boat using the “Neo Sabir” methodology as a tool to create future partnerships.

Not a class to teach a language for everybody but the adventure of “building together an everybody's language”, made by the most beautiful, expressive and meaningfull words brought by every crew member from their own language and shared with all the others. As Pessoa said, “Our homeland is our language”, and so welcoming other people's words into our language means welcoming other people as bringers of meaning, emotions, and expressivity, it makes us richer and is the founding of a union of peoples where diversity and multitude turn into essential values.
Sabir, the old Mediterranean lingua franca, restored in every sailor the sense of belonging to a people joined by the Mediterranean Sea. The sharing of words, prayers and colourful characteristic expressions is at the heart of the union among people, that is why every person who passed onboard learnt a name, a verse but also left a word.
Thinking today about Europe as a union of diverse peoples starts once again from the creation of a new language, a mutual hosting exchange.
Aboard a crew formed by youth workers from different parts of Europe can live the extraordinary experience of sailing together in the South of their continent, meeting local communities, listening to stories and telling the story of their own world, making the effort to use a new language made from the useful and more revealing words from the different languages spoken onboard. At the same time the group of youth workers will work on creating and developing new project ideas addressed to young people with fewer opportunities, using the ship as the first vehicle of dissemination of knowledge, of sharing and personal development of young people.

Partner Sought:

Participants profile:
Youth workers representatives of organizations active in the youth field with a special focus on the work on human welfare or with young people with fewer opportunities (i.e. young offenders or at risk to offend, young asylum seekers and young migrants including young people from migrant background).

They are looking for partners from 4 different Erasmus + programme countries (max 2 from each) interested in working on the topic of the activity during the 5 days in Sicily in order to build future projects in 2020 using the methodology of sailing as educational tool (i.e. International Youth exchanges- youth mobility experiences within Erasmus + programme)

To show the interest to be partner in the project:
Fill up the form https://forms.gle/PappaUxKA9M827E47

 Deadline: 13/04/2019

Contact: Bianca Maria Colmone

E-mail: segreteria@eterotopia.it

Phone: 3484717197

Publicado por europa en abril 8, 2019