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ERASMUS + KA2. Spain.

Programme: Erasmus+ | Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices.

Title of the project: "MobiAbility. A European standard on support measures in the EHEA for international students with disabilities."

Project description:

One of the areas less standardized in the lives of people with disabilities is international mobility in general and, in particular, international mobility during university studies.

The "The European Higher Education Area in 2015: Bologna Process Implementation Report" report (available in http://www.ehea.info/news-details.aspx?ArticleId=385) provides that, despite the existence units attention to diversity in higher education widely in the education systems of the member states, the group of persons with disabilities is an underrepresented group in European international mobility. InSpainthere is a very low rate of participation of students with disabilities in the Erasmus + program. According to official sources (SEPIE) last year from 2014 to 2015, only 42 people with disabilities the Spanish state went to study in European universities under the Erasmus + program, although it is true that this figure represents a substantial increase over the average the last 5 years (15 people / year on average from 2009-2010).

Empowerment for the mobility of students with disabilities has been reflected in specific measures. On the one hand, it has increased direct support to this group through a specific and additional financial allocation to any other student (see http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/documents/erasmus-plus-program-Guide_en.pdf).

They have also spread good practice projects in attention to diversity, such as the Catalogue of Good Practices in Social Dimension Implementation in Higher Education (http://www.ehea.info/article-details.aspx?ArticleId=244).

In the catalog we can find relevant concrete actions academic guidance and monitoring of persons with disabilities such as theDisability Access Routeto Education (DARE) project. Finally, we have promoted further coordinated actions between institutions to analyze the situation of people with disabilities in relation to internationalization, such as the Conference on Special Needs, organized by the SEPIE on 14 October2015 inGran Canaria,


Among the possible causes of the low rate of European mobility of persons with disabilities, experts agree that one of the main ones is the lack of a common position, accepted by the participating countries on key curricular adaptations that there perform, understood as measures of accessibility and reasonable adjustments that must be guaranteed for any college student with disabilities interested in a stay in another European country under programs such as Erasmus +.



This project has as its main objective the development of a European transnational standard measures and reasonable accommodation in the academic level for students with disabilities international mobility as well as an online and multilingual platform that hosts a catalog of institutions meet that standard, and that simultaneously serve as a communication platform for sharing and common adjustment of curricular adaptations that colleges should be made for students in mobility programs.

Intellectual products:

  • A study analyzing the legislative framework governing the curricular changes in higher education. 
  • Design of European minimum standard curricular adaptations for students with disabilities in higher education.
  • Development and implementation of an online transnational platform to improve communication and efficiency measures and adaptations to be undertaken by participants in international mobility programs universities.




Dra. Catalina Guerrero Romera

E-mail:  cgromera@um.es

Telephone: (+34) 868 887 706



Publicado por europa en marzo 23, 2016