: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Erasmus+. Romania.

Erasmus+. Romania.


Title of the Project: “EN Association – Support Education Network (Asociaţia CES – Colaborăm Educăm Sprijinim) – ROMANIA”


Description of the Project / Partner sought:


Training courses:

1. Music therapy for rehabilitation and development of disabled pupils - initialization course

2. Art therapy – bridge between disability and health. using music, dance and visual plastic methods for rehabilitation and development of disabled people

3. Using the game in the educational/recovery process


Working language: English


Training place: Oradea, Romania


Attendance certificates awarded:

  • Mobility Europass
  • Certificate of attendance accredited by the Bihor Teacher Training Center (Casa Corpului Didactic Bihor), Romania


Requirements for participants:


Other specifications:





Fax: +40 259 437 891

Teléfono: +40766790055 (for training course no. 1 and 2); +40 749590822 (for training course no. 3)

More information: https://ec.europa.eu/epale/en/partner-search/requests/join-our-trainnings-through-erasmus-1-grants-4

Publicado por europa en junio 22, 2016