Title: SMART MOVE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE Description of the Project: Fundacion Ibercaja, a Spanish NGO, is the leader of this project, related to training of young people and youth workers in topics such as mobility, smart cities, intelligent vehicles, viartual reality... The importance of citizen participation makes possible the so-called Bigdata, which collect information about what happens in a Smartcity and help the citizen to improve their daily activity. Then, the educational proposal goes through the realization of the following activities that will follow a METHODOLOGY of workshop, integrating theory and practice. It is committed to this teaching-learning modality because it understands that it favours research, learning, discovery and teamwork, above all it is based on collective learning and the experiences of each participant with the aim of developing a product tangible. 1.-INTELLIGENT VEHICLE DESCRIPTION: Workshop aimed at students of Primary and Secondary Education in which they learn to assemble an electric propulsion vehicle using recycled materials and simple electronic elements. The participants will be aware of the operation of electric motors and all the advantages that the use and incorporation of these propulsion systems entails in our means of transport, so that they are more efficient and friendly to the environment. 2.-SMART CITY DESCRIPTION: Workshop aimed at students from high school where, the participants in the activity will develop an application for mobile capable of collecting and displaying the information generated by the sensors that are distributed in a Smart city. 3.-DRIVE YOUR ELECTRIC CAR, VIRTUAL REALITY WORKSHOP: DESCRIPTION: Workshop directed to students of Primary and High School Education. This workshop uses Virtual Reality as a strategy to raise awareness of the proper use of ecological and sustainable means, thus enhancing the evolution of cities to SmartCities.
Partner Sought: They are looking for 6 more partners from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries. Deadline: 05/02/2019 Contact: Raquel Sancho E-mail: europa@fundacionibercaja.es Phone: (+34) 687 698 616 |