: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Erasmus+- Sweden.

Erasmus+. Sweden.

Title: “ICY – Intercultural communication”

Description of the project/Partner sought: The Municipality of Götene is searching for European partners (host organisations) who are interested in participating in a project under the Erasmus+ Key Action 1 Adult education. The project aims at exchanging experiences and knowledge on how others have worked with developing their civil office by creating a more customer oriented service office for the citizens.

The main activity of the project will be mobility and job shadowing activities for staff, where professionals from the citizens office visit partners inEuropewho work in a similar field. The staff will, through the exchange of experiences, not only be able to improve and develop their working methods back home but also contribute with their experience from the Swedish system to the receiving organization.


Götene municipality is among the ten municipalities inSwedenthat has recieved the highest amount of immigrants in relation to the number of inhabitants during the autumn of 2015.  This means that about ten percent of the people living in Götene do not speak Swedish, are not familiar with the Swedish systems and culture and are new to the area of Götene as well as the local, regional and national customs. This evokes new challenges for the citizen office when it comes to information and communication. The citizen office is to serve the inhabitants of Götene, visitors and others with information and guidance in the areas where they need assistance. There is thus an urgent need to develop new work methods and skills to create intercultural awareness among the staff to be able to better understand and meet the needs of the new inhabitants.

The objective of this project therefore is to find new methods and ideas on how to develop a point of societal service where anyone, regardless of cultural background, language or time of being a resident of Götene at any time can get guidance on how to handle his or her errand. At the end of this project we want to be able to augment the service level, to be able to meet the citizen on a mental level where he or she wishes to be met and in a way in which he or she feels confident and comfortable doing so. We also want to be an active part in increasing the citizen’s possibility and ability to influence and take part in the democratic development of the municipality.

Participants in the project will be ten persons from various professions within the municipal organisation. Most of them are working at the citizen office or work closely with the integration of immigrants. There will also be a high number of indirect learners in this project as the results of the project will be spread within the organization as the whole municipal organization is affected by the immigrant situation. The professions of the ten participants are: communication strategist, web manager and communication officer, citizen office personnel, integration strategist, primary level teacher and head of unit.


Götene kommun – Sektor Samhällsbyggnad

Telefon: 0511-38 63 94

Besöksadress: Torggatan 4, Götene




Publicado por europa en septiembre 7, 2016