Title: Live in peace
Description of the Project:
The project will take place in Denizli/Turkey between 26.08.2019-01.09.2019
Aims of the project:
- Demonstrate how young people can act peacefully with cultural conflicts using non-formal techniques
- To show how youth groups and non-governmental organizations can solve different kinds of conflicts without resorting to violence.
- To demonstrate in a practical way how young people will pursue cultural conflicts and to raise awareness in them.
- To provide the possible cooperation between young people from different cultures and countries and to provide networking opportunities for future cooperation in order to increase the capacity of organizations among participating countries.
- To strengthen the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies of young people to equip them with the understanding of intercultural peace ambassadors.
- To create a platform for young people to share their knowledge and skills about the cultural aspects of conflicts.
Partner Sought: 4 partners needed
Number of participants: 6 from each country + 1 group leader
Ages of the participants: 16-23. They are looking for 4 more partners from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Russian Federation, Ukraine, Serbia, Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries
Deadline: 31/03/2019
Contact: Murat Aydoğmuş
E-mail: denizliyouth@gmail.com
Phone: +905055973610
Publicado por europa en marzo 26, 2019