Title: Gender Equality Beyond Norms
Description of the Project:
The main objective of the project is to examine the gender roles and interactions of individuals in daily life and to raise awareness of the gender inequality that exists in these roles.
Some of the points the project wants to touch are as follows:
-To increase the level of awareness by critically approaching rigid and binary gender system patterns.
-To raise awareness against the gendered discourse featured in media tools such as television, newspapers and the internet
-To enable participants to recognize the sexist attitudes they encounter in their daily life practices and to internalize the concept of gender equality through various role-play activities.
-Waiting for participants from different cultures to share experiences about gender roles in their own cultures and talk about existing policies in their country.
-To discuss gender equality issues experienced by refugees, rather than just gender equality issues faced by citizens
The Erasmus + Youth Exchange project will take place in Izmir/Turkey and will last 6 days.
Partner Sought: They are looking for 5 more partners from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries. The project partners will be associations or youth groups from 6 different countries. Participants will be young people aged 18-30.
Deadline: 20/12/2019
Contact: Nursen
E-mail: mimosayouthteam@gmail.com
Phone: +905534984310
Publicado por europa en octubre 14, 2019