: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

ESC. France

Title: European citizenship ambassador in rural areas

Description of the Project:

Citoyens & Territoires Grand Est is a network of regional actors of local development in the East of France. It works with elected representative and local actors to build projects and boost development in rural areas. The association hosts the Europe Direct information Centre, a network of the European Commission which aims at informing citizens about the European Union (EU), its policies and its functioning. The volunteers will mainly be involved in the Europe Direct Information Centre’s projects. Activities may include: - Raising awareness about the EU though running stands in various events - Organising events arousing interest about the EU - Organising workshops on the EU and its impact in local citizens’ daily life, presenting the European Solidarity Corps… - Other communication activities: feeding social media channels, radio broadcasting, short videos production, creating games … - Setting up activities of their own with the help of the team if they wish. 31h/week

Colombey-les-Belles is a rural town in the Eastern part of France. This is where the activities will take place. Yet, the volunteers will be living in one of the nearest city, either Nancy or Metz. Here, they will have a single room in a shared-flat. They will receive monthly food allowance and pocket money. The around trip will be financed up to an amount as set in the programme. In France, they will receive a train discount card. Most of the time, one of their colleague will drive them from their accomodation to the volunteering place. They might also take the bus.

During the volunteering, they will follow two trainings organised by the National Erasmus+ Agency. They will also be trained to perform the various tasks.

Partner Sought: The association is looking for a highly motivated volunteer with a good knowledge of French or strong will to learn it/commitment to learn it quickly. He/She should be interested in European affairs (or curious enough to learn more about it) and willing to engage with different publics (young people, elected representatives…). The volunteer must have a driving licence as he/she will probably be carrying out activities outside the office/town.

People who are interested by this opportunity are encouraged to send the organisation a CV and a motivation letter to contact@cristeel.fr.

Deadline: 08/01/2020





Publicado por europa en diciembre 9, 2019