: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Europe for Citizens. Italy.

Title: “Civic participation of inmigrants


Description of the project/Partner sought: In a Europe characterized by constant migration flows, the uncertainty arising from a lack of knowledge of European policies and a lack of integration of foreign citizens requires the preparation of plans of action and governance which no longer reflect the emergency and piecemeal approaches adopted until now.

These plans must be defined to help European citizens in the understanding of the national and European policies on immigration, and to permit foreigners to learn about their rights and duties, in order to effectively participation to the national life. Simultaneously, the knowledge of the advantages (even economics) deriving from the presence of foreign citizens in the local communities, the solicitation to engage in a confrontation between people of differents nationalities, combined with the despondency of stereotypes, should lead to a progressive construction of a cohesive and harmonious society.

The project aims to create a network of municipalities and associations that manage to prepare long-term answers, which will be useful in the building of a multicultural and participatory society; the harmonization of cultures and is also functional to the preservation of the stability of society, allowing to maintain a relatively low degree of conflict, social exclusion (especially of vulnerable groups such as women and children ) and ethicized crime .


Partners: Public bodies, local and regional authorities, non-profit organizations, civil society organizations, educational/cultural or research institutions.



Please send you candidature to partnersearchdica@gmail.com within 28th July 2016. 

Publicado por europa en julio 27, 2016