: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Europe for Citizens. Romania.

Title: Learning by Debating”


Description of the project/Partner sought:

Our organisation is submitting a project proposal on the 1st of March deadline for the Europe for Citizens Program,Strand2 “Democratic Engagement and Civic Participation”, Measure 2.3. “Civil Society Projects”.

The problem which this project seeks to address is the small participation rate of young people in the democratic process. So the target group are high school and university students.

Therefore, the main aim that we want to achieve is an increase in youth participation in various forms of democratic expression, by engaging them in a dialogue about EU institutions, current and permanent European priorities (migration, active citizenship, gender equality, sustainable development), participation opportunities, through the use of digital tools in order to maximize involvement.

We will be 4/5 organisations from 4/5 partner countries, and each organisation will cooperate with local educational institutions in order to have a series of 5 debates on topics that are EU priorities.

For some of the debates there will be speakers invited, that can offer a special insight in the issue discussed: MEPs, journalists, local authorities representatives.

These debates will be reflected and continued on an multilingual web platform, created within the project, which will make use of modern online participation tools in order to maximize the involvement of young people.

For a more detailed description of the planned project activities please consult this google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-So1pt7PksI0WFMHsU48FnhV9k83V8qMJVpdyOYh5n4/edit?usp=drive_web



Maria Ciorba & Dana Lazar

Europe DirectTimisoara

+40 256 494390


Publicado por europa en febrero 22, 2017