: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Europe for Citizens. Spain.

Title: “Create a network of European towns relating inmigration, social inclusion and governance”


Description of the project/Partner sought: We are looking for realible cities and NGO relating inmigration, social inclusion and governance in order to submit a project proposal under the nextEurope for citizens call (1st March.).

The project will create a network of European towns. Every town will organize an international thematic event (7-8 events. 1 per city) where their youngsters (administrators, opinion leaders, association leaders, etc.) will debate and reflect about immigration questions related with the actual European issues, regarding this topic: as the social emergency related with refugees, women immigrant integration, new borders and euroesceptiscism, Brexit, etc.

We already have cities/entities fromSpain,Italy,Greece,CyprusandBulgaria.

This program will fund the project at 100%.



Alberto Lorente Saiz

President of the Valecian Delegation of Geography Association


Publicado por europa en enero 31, 2017