Title: Eurostars 2: A Korean company is looking for a R&D partner for the development and commercialization of innovative microorganism for removing the odor of livestock waste, making natural manure and feed.
Description of the project: A Korean company, with its innovative technology of utilizing microorganisms, found a way to instantly remove odor from livestock manure from pigs, cows and chickens, and to create high-quality biological /natural fertilizer and feed. They would like to conduct joint R&D project for Eurostars 2 in September 2018 with companies interested in husbandry and makers of fertilizer / feed products on further developing the product and enter the European market, preferably the German market.
Objectives: The potential partner is expected to:
- Conduct R&D project and commercialization of the product for successful entry into the European market (priority in the German market)
- Provide expert researchers to co-work with Korean experts
- Provide affordable labs with some instruments for research
- Make the data and report detail together with Korean experts
- Introduce major farmers and related companies for selling and distribution
- Invest R&D cost with the Korean company (detail for the cost ratio to be decided later)
- Apply for the Eurostars 2 together with the Korean company (Eureka Network is also possible)
- Help to expand to other European markets (commission may be arranged)
Partner sought: Type of potential partner:
- companies interested in husbandry
- makers and distributor of fertilizer / feed products from animal manure
- livestock manure treatment companies
- fertilizer / feed distributors
- companies in major dairy farm regions in Germany
- companies interested in manure utilization through fertilizer / feed production after joint research (partnership in distribution after the research is also sought for)
- R&D organization for fertilizer /feed products in the agricultural/husbandry sector
Deadline: 20/09/2018.
Publicado por europa en mayo 23, 2018