: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

EVS. Belgium

Title: Volunteers house across borders

Description of the Project: House across borders is an organisation which aims to bring people together to think/work/be critical about war and peace, human rights, Europe and humanity.

At the moment they already have 2 volunteers via the EVS system of erasmus+, but they would like to have 2 extra volunteers in a different time period.
The EVS volunteers are engage to organize and contribute on youth, school, cultural and artistic projects they organize. Because the volunteers choose their own topic for their projects. It gives the NGO the opportunity to expand the offer and creativity.
Is has a big impact on them. Some ideas/ plans can change for them, such as:
they change their future study plans,
they are more open to the possibilities in other countries,
they can use their language skills in the future studies, work and live,
they are more open towards other cultures, etc.. .

They will learn how to set up a youth exchange and how to help youngsters during a visit of an exhibition. They will also learn about office work and to take responsibilities for themselves.
The volunteers will help where ever is needed. This can be helping with the educational programs, helping with setting up a youth exchange, helping with the exhibitions, but also helping in the kitchen and with the cleaning.

The volunteers will do different kind of activities like they;
- do special programs with the visitors, like guidance tours on the cemetery, energizers, workshops like 'faces of human rights',
- help the visitors of the cemetery
-develop own projects and workshops for the visitors - especially youngsters
- do research about the history of the cemetery and individual stories of soldiers that are buried there.

The project will take place between 01/01/2019 and 31/12/2019.

Partner Sought: 2 more partners from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries

Deadline: 03/12/2018

Contact: Contact person: Myriam Koonings

E-mail: myriam.koonings@volksbund.de

General contact

Phone: 0032 11 55 43 70

Publicado por europa en noviembre 2, 2018