: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

EVS. Spain.



Title of the project: "Two EVS vacancies for male participants"

Description of the project: This project aims to provide volunteers with an experience of Multicultural and intercultural learning and European citizenship knowledge.

If you are a volunteer interested to take part please send and email with the application form linked to erasmusplus@colectivogentes.es, any case you need have a sending organisation that we can provide to you.

EVS opportunity for 4 Volunteers during twelve months, starting activity period the 1st December 2015.

The main themes of the activity are European awareness and non formal learning methods, working in a multicultural youth centre (social inclusion) and thus promoting intercultural learning process and services to others (solidarity).
The volunteers will learn how to deal with young people from 14 to 30 years old.

The main objective is to give a volunteers and multicultural experience of working in group. Volunteer also are going to collaborate with the Andalusia Youth Institute because our office is in the same building and in fact we are doing all the promotional campaigns and DEOR activities of Erasmus + program with and for this public by.

The project aims:
1. to diffuse the results of the previous EVS project which is promoting Erasmus+ in Jaén in order to....;
2. to raise awareness among young people and youth workers about best youth mobility practices;
3. to create Volunteer’s Life Testimonials from previous mobility projects under ERASMUS+
4. to provide volunteers with an experience of multicultural and intercultural learning and European citizenship.

The main themes
-Erasmus + opportunities
-Non-formal education and active participation
-Cooperation between associations and public bodies in the province of Jaén and Europe

Partner sought: 2 more partners from Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme countries. TWO EVS VACANCIES FOR MALE PARTICIPANTS FROM EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES IS OPEN URGENTLY!

Deadline: 31/10/2015


Mr. Felipe Manzano

E-mail: erasmusplus@colectivogentes.es

Phone: +34 637 47 12 03


Publicado por europa en octubre 13, 2015