: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

EVS. Spain.

EVS with Elderly, Almazán Soria Spain

Project description:

The volunteers will be involved in activities at local level with elderly. The volunteers will assist in Residencia de ancianos Ntra Sra de Guadalupe, Almazán, Soria, Spain.
The tasks of the volunteers will be:
• Assist elderly in their daily routines
• Take a walk with elderly
• Help people with disability in the exercises of mobility
• Sociocultural animation


all2help is an organization that aims to promote dialogue, non-formal education and better communication between the urban and rural worlds and between the elderly and the young. It also promotes the care of the environment, as well as the respect between people of different cultures and social origins.

Partner sought:

All2help is looking for volunteers from Denmark, France and Norway, with interest in social work in the area of old-age care. They should also be open to work with old people who need care.



Contact :

Paulina Pastor

E-mail: info@all2help.org

Phone: 34 670642230


Publicado por europa en septiembre 20, 2017