: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

H2020. Bulgaria

Title: H2020-LC-SC3-EE-9-2018-2019: coordinator and a bank sought for joining a proposal on evaluation tool for financing of Energy Efficiency projects by banks

Description of the project: A Bulgarian SME together with partners from Norway, Belgium and Portugal prepare proposal under the call H2020-LC-SC3-EE-9-2018-2019 “Innovative financing for energy efficiency investments”. They will develop and disseminate new tool for evaluation and financing of Energy Efficiency projects (EEP). The project is based on already existing financial tool to be customized for end-users. Partners sought are: an experienced coordinator in Horizon 2020 and a bank to validate tool's functionalities.

Partner sought:  Partners sought to complement the consortium:

-           Coordinator – organization experienced in managing Energy Efficiency projects within Horizon 2020. Being an Energy Service Company (ESCO) or EE advisor is advantageous. Organizations such as consultancy or engineering company or analyst in the domain (university, SME, association) are also acceptable. 

-           Bank - to test the tool, evaluation methodology and the final platform by providing valuable feedback and recommendations. Practical experience in evaluating Energy Efficiency projects with real-life cases available is sought or at least strong interest to develop such capacity.

Deadline: 15/05/2018


GAIN – Galactea Plus







Publicado por europa en abril 11, 2018