: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

H2020. France.

Title: “H2020: ICT-25-2017: end user in critical infrastructure safety inspection is sought for a robotic system application”

Description of the project/Partner sought: Today teams of autonomous robots are working in an environment with little of very uncertain information about the semantic of what they perceive. Many of potential robotic applications cannot be designed and brought to the real life because of a poor quality of the detection, reconnaissance, identification and localization function.

For instance infrastructures cannot be inspected automatically by a team of robots because those would produce a large number of false detections and erroneous identification. Moreover, the robotic system would produce also a set of internal errors. Similar problems occur in other application domains: surveillance of large warehouses and ecological damage assessment...

It order to address this issue some generic information processing techniques shall be improved in terms of performance and robustness:

- Image processing, for detecting and recognizing objects in the environment that are relevant with respect to the objectives and constraints of the robot team (WP2)

- Multi-robot coordination, for providing simultaneously observations of the same object from different points of views, for covering rapidly large areas and for ensuring safe separation between robots (WP3)

- Planning, scheduling and assignment for translating high level mission objectives and constraints into a feasible set of tasks that can be coordinated (WP4)

- Fault detection and reconfiguration for ensuring the execution of the mission despite the fact that robots are subject to failures (WP5).

In order to have an impact in real life and bring those improvements at the workplace, the consortium includes not only a final user and laboratories but also an industrial from the robotic domain.

Call deadline : 25/04/2017

Deadline for expressions of interest : 25/03/2017

Deadline for contributing text to the proposal : 01/04/2017


Enterprise Europe Network Contact

Contact Person: Jana Vavrinova

Phone Number: +34 981 337 146

Public Email:    jana.vavrinova@xunta.es

Publicado por europa en marzo 22, 2017