: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

H2020. France

Title: Technology to monitor marine biodiversity

Description of the Project: A French research centre will act as coordinator for a project under FET Proactive aiming to develop a new type of ultra-low power bio-acoustic sensors to monitor marine biodiversity. It is looking for an industrial company with marine operations to join the project. The partner will be involved from the very beginning, providing real operational scenarios and industry specificities, all the way to testing in-situ prototypes at the end of the project.

Partner Sought: The consortium is looking for an industrial partner, ideally a big company with industrial sea operations in the field of oil and gas, and/or fisheries fleet operations, and/or matitime transport operations.

Deadline: 21/02/2020


GAIN - Galactea Plus



Publicado por europa en enero 15, 2020