: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

H2020. France.

Title: H2020 CE-SFS-24-2019 - Innovative and attractive French urban agglomeration is searching partners notably interested in the field of sustainable alimentary supply for setting up novel urban food-chains

Project Description: An innovative and attractive French urban agglomeration has been setting up a consortium to be completed by a coordinator and other partners to answer H2020 CE-SFS-24-2019 call.

The institution is searching municipalities or equal structures being experienced and applying novel practices in the domain of sustainable food-chains and food-systems.

The scope of the project is to set-up an universally implementable model of an innovative, inclusive and sustainable food-system for cities.

Partner sought: The institution is looking for innovative, curious and trustful partners (cities, inter-municipal institutions, administrations, private companies, associations, etc.) that are willing to tackle the challenge of constructing a citizen-driven and novel solution for sustainable and inclusive food systems in an urban environment. To realise this challenge the partners shall be capable to assure the approaches':

- coordination

- prototyping

- large-scale testing

- demonstration & piloting in a peri-urban and urban  environment

- experimental production

The partners sought shall be experienced in the management of urban affairs (recycling, food provision, etc.) and shall also be capable to contribute to the consortium by integrating their best practices and habits, such as already existing food-chains, digital and smart solutions, information actions, cooperation concepts with local partners, etc.






Publicado por europa en abril 16, 2018