Title: EIC-FTI-2018-2020: development of Photonic Jet applications
Description of the Project:
A German company is looking for partners for an European project aimed at a further developing of Photonic Jet applications (Horizonte 2020 call: EIC-FTI-2018-2020). Joint research and development of application scenarios for the Photonic Jet technology by partners from industry is planned as part of the project.
The new impressive Photonic Jet technology is a fibre based laser technology, which allows to process extraordinarily small areas. The objective of the project consortium is joint research and development of application scenarios for the Photonic Jet technology by partners from industry and research. Those developments should allow the fast commercialisation of the Photonic Jet technology.
The consortium already includes the German SME (coordinator), a French University and a German University.
Partner Sought:
Companies, preferably SME.
Deadline: 15/01/2019
Publicado por europa en diciembre 11, 2018