Title: Research and development
Description of the Project:
A Greek R&D Institution is currently working on preparing a proposal under the H2020 topic SC5-09-2018-2019 that deals with the development of cost-effective porous adsorbents able to recover from seawater and desalination brines, several valuable transition metals at high binding capacity and selectivity. The requested type of collaboration is a research cooperation. agreement.
Partner Sought:
- Industrial (SMEs, industry) and/or academic partners with experience and expertise on one or more of the project components: metal adsorption / desorption processes, adsorbent regeneration, seawater/brine processing, life cycle assessment and cost benefit analysis.
- Industrial partner with access to desalination unit.
Deadline: 15/02/2019
Christiana Siambekou
Publicado por europa en febrero 5, 2019