: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

H2020 - Green Deal. Spain

Description of the project: A Spanish newspaper will create a European Medias Network dedicated to cooperating in the design and development of common projects oriented to defend and promote the European values and joining transnational consortiums in order to apply to the European Green Deal Call, area 10 (empowering citizens for the transition towards a climate neutral, sustainable Europe), topic 3 (enabling citizens to act on climate change).

Partner sought: The company is searching for regional medias from Italy, Portugal, and France interested in joining the Network and cooperating in the designing and development of common projects oriented to empower, educate and involve citizens on climate change. The Network will cooperate in the scope of their respective countries with the public Administration in order to strengthen the modernization, competitiveness and implementation of the EU policies.

Deadline: 29/04/2021


GAIN - Galactea Plus


Publicado por europa en noviembre 4, 2020