Title: Hierarchical I/O Planning, Placement, and Optimization for Systems 4.0
Description of the Project: An Italian emerging EDA (Electronic Design Automation) company, delivering disruptive software solutions to enable and accelerate the 3D-design of electronic products is looking for 3 technological partners to apply for an H2020 EIC FTI. The project’s objective is to customize and demonstrate an advanced I/O planning technology that reduces design time, enabling a higher level of integration of 2.5D and 3D-IC for next generation electronic products in European and extra European markets.
Partner Sought: Three industrial partners are sought: Design House or Semiconductor Company; AI & IoT company; RTD software company.
Type and size
>500 MNE,251-500,SME 51-250
Deadline: 31/07/2019
Contact: GAIN - Galactea Plus
Publicado por europa en abril 26, 2019