Title: H2020 FTI: An Italian engineering company search private/public hospitals and companies to define an innovative bone spinal device
Description of the Project: An Italian engineering company skilled in mechanics systems management is developing a FTI proposal (deadline: 22-10-2019) to validate an innovative bone fusion spinal device. The device is very competitive because it can be implanted percutaneously (with a minimal invasiveness) in day-hospital also by physicians radiologist and pain therapist. Partners sought are companies and private/public hospitals to define the device and test implants on their patients.
Partner Sought: Partners sought are mainly private/public Hospitals interested to test the QFusion implants on their patients, but also commercial companies to distribute the QFusion device in their countries.
The partner search is limited to the following Countries: France, Germany, Spain, Austria, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Deadline: 10/09/2019
Contact: GAIN - Galactea Plus
Publicado por europa en julio 26, 2019