: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

H2020. Latvia

Title:  Novel safety sensor system for high-power collaborative robotic systems

Description of the Project: Latvian research institution is preparing a project proposal for H2020 ICT47 Call - Research and Innovation boosting promising robotics applications. The project is about development of advanced safety system for high-payload industrial robots, automated guided vehicles and humanoid type robots in social care. The research institution is searching for the partner – company/industry with expertise in the industrial robotics industry with an emphasis on implementation of security solutions.

The project has four research areas:

1) Integration and use of novel materials for service robotics - usage of novel materials in robotics and upgrading, recycling of the robot.

2) Application and integration of novel non-visual sensing methods for service robotics (including off-board, ambient and multi-scale sensing) to achieve new functionality.

3) Development of intrinsically safe physical powerful robotic systems with proximity sensing capability for human-scale collaborative tasks.

4) Development of variable autonomy systems that significantly extend and enhance the operator’s awareness of the working environment.

Partner Sought: company/industry

Deadline: 27/02/2020


GAIN - Galactea Plus



Publicado por europa en febrero 18, 2020