: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

H2020. Spain

Title: Horizon 2020 SME Instrument Phase II: Electric utilities or energy distribution companies sought for a project on an energy efficiency information platform

Description of the Project:

A Spanish company working in energy efficiency is preparing a project proposal for Horizon 2020 SME Instrument Phase II.

The aim of the project is the development and pre-commercialization of a Big Data solution that will provide relevant information to the different energy market players. The system will analyse big data obtained from different sources and test results. The processed information will allow the user an easy way of understanding invoiced consumptions and obtaining recommendations on improving energy efficiency, thus making savings. For utilities, the information provided will make easier to understand the clients’ needs, enabling to provide a better service, new services, providing clients with a more adjusted offer to their needs, and therefore improving client’s loyalty. The solution will also provide large consumers with intelligent energy efficiency systems, and utilities with commercial and market intelligence.

The Spanish company is going to submit the proposal to SME Instrument phase II, and is looking for collaborators that may want to provide with data, test the technology for energy efficiency, and reach pre-commercial agreements on technology either for energy consumers or utilities.

Estimated Project Duration: 2 years - Phase II SME Instrument SME. (Technology Readiness Level TRL6 to TRL9)


Partner Sought: Electric utilities, energy distribution companies or other companies that have access to considerable number of energy consumers and that want to collaborate with the Spanish company as test cases for their technologies.

City Councils or companies open to Energy Efficiency could also collaborate in the project.


Deadline: 15/09/2018


GAIN – Galactea Plus


Publicado por europa en julio 18, 2018