: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

H2020. Turkey.

Description of the project:

Ekomim Enviromental Architecttural Consulting Firm, a company located in ARI Teknokent Technology and Science Park, İstanbul Technical University, İstanbul, Turkey, is interested in participate in a project within the Call “Greening the Economy” (H2020-SC5-2016-2017)

Partner sought: A Projects coordinator and Project participants, from the elegible countries, with expertise in the following fields: Scientific research, Security, Employment issues, Regional development, Economic aspects, Information. Media, Education. Training, Social aspects, Climate change and Carbon cycle research, Sustainable development, Waste management, Environmental protection, Project management methodologies, Standards, Reference materials, Measurement methods, Other energy topics, Energy saving, Energy storage. Energy. Transport, Renewable sources of energy, Fossil fuels, Other technology, Materials technology, Construction technology, Information processing. Information systems, Electronics. Microelectronics, Industrial manufacture.



Ekomim Enviromental Architectural Services

Phone: +90 212 328 12 42

E-mail: yilmazzer@itu.edu.tr

Through this link



Publicado por europa en junio 29, 2016