Title: MSCA-ITN-2018: Innovative Training Networks - Seeking companies/universities working in healthcare/neuroscience for human-centric internet of skins technologies bid
Description of the project: A UK university is seeking companies to join their Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network bid to explore cognitive rehabilitation & augmentation of human skin electronics via the Internet of Things (IoT). They seek companies working with skin sensors/implants, healthcare software and/or IoT & brain/cognitive training to contribute their expertise and collaborate via research cooperation agreement. They also seek universities working in neuroscience from Germany/France/Spain/Italy.
Partner sought:
Type: Industry/University.
Activity of the partner:
- Industry - healthcare applications of IT, specifically skin sensors/implants; software/machine learning in healthcare areas; general internet of things in health applications; brain/cognitive training
- University - neuroscience with a focus on cognitive training
Specific role of partner sought: Contribution of expertise and technology
Deadline: 31/05/2018
Publicado por europa en mayo 23, 2018