: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Innovation and Research. Germany



Project Name: "Remote Unit for Lightweight Exploration".


Description: Roboterwerk GmbH is a company based in Germany since 2002 dedicated to the area of security research, especially mobile systems, remote control and semi recognition.

 The company develops and produces Roboterwerk since 2002 outdoor mobile robots in the civil and military fields. Along with a number of special robots for R & D institutes (Forbot), Roboterwerk offers a wide range of prints and accessories. The hardware and software customized solutions allows to the user and researchers a fast and professional rise in the field of robotics.

Objectives: RULE proposal for the European project conforms to the scientific, technical and performance required in the FCT-3-2015. To file a successful European proposal Roboterwerk GmbH proposes the creation of a network of users (BOS), research institutions and European companies for submission of the application.

Project Cost: The economic and scientific perspectives of the project are assessed as high. This is particularly ensured by the CBRNE Mobile Sensor Network (CMSN). The experience and methods of users, scientists and manufacturers of CBRNE sensors and remote control platforms will be putted in common and optimized methodically. The main objective of this research project is the design of a reliable, robust and economic system. Achieving this objective will be given by the novel concept of modular system. The development of standardized management and control as well as for communication interfaces, is given by the participating research institutions and industry partners. Developing an additional "remotely controlled vehicle sensor" , specially designed to meet the requirements of simplicity and reduced overall system cost is also possible.

Standardized long-range data communication offers an effective support for the integration of RULE systems in a centralized control center, as well as collaboration with other security forces. This control center could be used as the core communications to set up a communication network of RULE systems.

The innovative, scientific and technological development is required. Current possibilities of simulation and 3D design and advanced composite materials both offer a great potential for optimization. In order to give a scientific momentum continued beyond, the results of the project are expected to be communicated at conferences and publications both during the course of the project and in its term. Some events to consider during the course of the project are ELROB / EURATHLON 2016/2017, the Security Essen 2017. Also, in the year following the completion of the project, it will be the BSC (Berlin Security Conference). Scientific publications will be conducted by universities and research partners of the consortium.

Partner sought: The measures to develop the European network begin with the integration of existing stakeholders both in the field of CBRNE sensors as in the remote control platforms (UGV - unmanned ground vehicles - land vehicles, UAV - unmanned air vehicles - aerial vehicles, USV - unmanned surface vehicles - sea vessels).

Roboterwerk plans to hold four work packages until May. 

The first of them, "Location and making contact with potential partners", is where the company currently has immersed.

 The partners should be included in any of the following categories: 


  • Users of criminal forensic technology
  • Research institutions
  • Manufacturers of CBRNE sensors
  • Specialists in Robotics and / or land, air and water mobile platforms.


In this first contact is expected to discuss the organization of the network with each potential partner and the opportunities that can be obtained from their participation in it. The second work package aims to develop a "Workshop with potential participants in the network," whera it will be invited all potential partners and when we will define the final organization of the network. In the third work package is contemplated the "Creation of the working cooperative network" . This package will consist in the agreement on the model, the quality guidelines, the organization and the use of the network in collaboration with potential participants in the European network.

The working network model will lead to scientific, technical and economic development of modern mobile CBRNE sensors that can be coupled to the various carriers platforms. Roboterwerk will implement for this a web portal with restricted access to members only.

Finally, in the the fourth work package will take place the second workshop, during which the working network will be created. In it, final network participants will be appointed and the organizational tasks will be distributed.


Deadline: December 2014-May 2015 



Contact person:

Sandra Vela

Development Engineer


Telefon:  +49 86 69 / 357 13 38

Telefax:  +49 86 69 / 357 13 49





Roboterwerk GmbH

Am Bäckerweiher 6



Publicado por europa en enero 16, 2015