: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Integration. Sweden.

Title: “Integration of refugees”


Description of the project/Partner sought: Citizens´participation and democratic commitment at grass roots level in order to create a social sustainable development within reception and integration of refugees.


Purpose: Facilitate the integration of refugees and exchange experiences and learn from each other concerning the reception of refugees. In a society there are always changes of the common base of values and in a situation like this it is important to raise awareness where you stand and reflect over it. Where is our base of values considering the reception of refugees? The purpose is to change ideas and experiences about the roles of the civil society and the municipalities/authorities. Here we want partners with different angles and that can enhance the value of the whole project buy giving examples of good practices within these collaboration areas.


Background: The Municipality of Falköping inSwedenwork effectively with the integration of refugees and they are at the leading edge concerning these issues. Falköping is part of a pilot project with the purpose to obtain an effective integration of refugess coming toSweden. The plan is focusing language development, general education, access to a place to live and possibilities to access the Swedish labour market. By that themunicipalityofFalköpingis well equipped to handle the challenges integration leads to considering practical and material challenges. Falköping has a big network of associations of different kinds who all help and collaborate with the integration of refugees.


Swedenis a country reflected by secularized values and to a great extent of self-fulfilment. The refugees coming toSwedencarry a very different base of values that springs from traditional values and with a focus on survival. The confidence to the state is very low in the refugees´countries and as a general you trust only your family and your clan. Considering this our values are very separated.


TheMunicipalityofMarsalais at the south west cost ofSicilyand receives refugees fromAfricacoming by boat. Some of them continue their journey to other European countries while other stay in the municipality. The municipality has a plan to integrate these people in the society and Falköping seems to have proceeded successfully with this.Marsalaas a change is situated only160 kmfrom Africas´coast and its´citizens seem to stand close to the base of values that the refugees coming there have. The Civil Society is also committed to another extent inMarsalathan in Falköping.


Objectives: A successful integration of refugees is based on a broad citizens´participation and democratic commitment. Communication is important and a clear citizen perspective is indispensable. It is of great importance that the civic society actively takes part in the project. That is how we get more understanding for the values we meet from our newly arrived refugees and how we actively can take part in the changes of our common base of values.


Exchanging ideas and methods concerning  language development, general education, access to a place to live and possibilities to access the labour market can enable an effective integration of the refugees as well. Both the Civic Society and the Munipalities/Authorities will develop their capacity and learn from this project in order to improve the situation for the refugees.


Call for proposals:Europefor citizens ”Democratic engagement and civic participation”


Deadline: 1st of March 2017


Duration: Two years


Budget: 150 000 euro


Partners:MunicipalityofFalköping-Sweden,MunicipalityofMarsala-Italy. Two more partners (municipalities) are needed. As a whole there has to be four partners, all from different countries, but preferably is to be at least five or six partners.


Deadline: 28/11/2016

Publicado por europa en noviembre 16, 2016