: Europe Direct Coruña : Europe Direct (English) : Partner Search

Interreg-MED. Greece.


Description of the project: Democritus University of Thrace is going to submit a proposal to INTERREG V-B MED Programme. We are focused on capitalising the results produced by the operation of the pilot application developed by DUTH within project “ENERGEIA”, a strategic Co-Funded Project of the European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013. The pilot application​,​​ which is in close proximity to business in the agro sector​, includes a hybrid solar/geothermal power plant that utilizes solar parabolic collectors and Organic Rankine Cycle turbine and produces thermal and electrical energy.  

The idea is t​o support ​sustainability of business through increasing the energy ​used​ by RES​ ​to reduce the levelised energy​ cost thus enhancing business competitiveness and growth in the MED areas.

Partner sought: Please express your interest to participate in this partnership by completing the Partner Info form available here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6iwukpyz3wpxskn/Concept%20Note%20%26%20Partner%20Info.docx?dl=0

Deadline: 28/09/2015


Paraskevi Giourka, PhD, MBA, MSc, BScCE (Hons)

Innovation Strategist

Unit of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Democritus University of Thrace
Vas. Sofias 12, Building 3, Level 2 - Office 204,
Engineering Campus of Xanthi, 67100
Skype ID: paraskevi.giou.

Mob:    +30 6973256134
Email:  pgiourka@gmail.com 

Website: http://epixeireite.duth.gr/

Publicado por europa en septiembre 23, 2015